Base oil

Base oil

Base oil

Base oil

Base oil is the name given to Lubrication Oil grades produced by means of refining Crude Oil.

Production Process:

Base oil is produced by means of refining crude oil. This means that crude oil is heated in order that various distillates can be separated from one another. During the heating process, light and heavy hydrocarbons are separated. The light ones can be refined to make petrol and other fuels, while the heavier ones are suitable for bitumen and base oil.

By using hydrogenation technology, in which sulfur and aromatics are removed using hydrogen under high pressure, extremely pure base oil can be obtained, which are suitable when quality requirements are particularly stringent.


Base oil is used to manufacture products including lubricating greases, motor oil and metal processing fluids. Different products require different compositions and properties in the oil. One of the most important factors is the liquid’s viscosity at various temperatures. Chemical substances – additives – are added to the base oil in order to meet the quality requirements for the end products in terms of, for example, friction and cleaning properties. Certain types of motor oils contain more than twenty percent additives.

Virgin Base Oil:

Virgin oil refers to crude oil that has undergone the refining process, and it is the most prevalent oil used in a broad range of lubricant products available in the market. As the name suggests, virgin base oil is freshly refined, indicating that it has not been used before, and it serves as the benchmark for oil quality.

Recycled Base Oil (Re-Refined Oil):

Once virgin base oil utilized in any form, virgin oil is then classified as “used oil” and can undergo additional refinement to be categorized as recycled or re-refined.

Contrary to common perception, recycled or re-refined oils are not of lesser quality or “dirty” compared to pure, virgin or newly produced oil. Moreover, it is often misunderstood that recycled, refurbished and re-refined oils are identical products. Therefore, we will clarify the differences between each type of oil and their diverse uses.

Base oil classification:

Base oil exists in the market in different grades as follow:

  • SN 150
  • SN 300
  • SN 500
  • SN 650


  • Bulk
  • ISO Tank
  • Flexi Tank
  • Steel Drum
  • IBC Tank


SN100 Virgin

Alkapetroleumoita SN100 Virgin Base OilUNITSPECIFICATONTEST METHOD
AppearanceC & BVisual
Color2-2.5ASTM D-1500
Density @ 15°Ckg/m30.870ASTM D-1298
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°Cmm2/S (cSt)ASTM D-445
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°Cmm2/S (cSt)5ASTM D-445
Viscosity Index90ASTM D-2270
Flash Point°C200-205ASTM D-92
Pour Point°CMax -6ASTM D-97
Noack @ 250°C% wt10ASTM D-5800
Sulfur Content% wt0.05ASTM D-2622

SN150 Base Oil

AppearanceC & BVisual
Color2ASTM D-1500
Density @ 15°Ckg/m30.860ASTM D-1298
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°Cmm2/S (cSt)ASTM D-445
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°Cmm2/S (cSt)4ASTM D-445
Viscosity Index90ASTM D-2270
Flash Point°C175ASTM D-92
Pour Point°C-3ASTM D-97
Noack @ 250°C% wt25ASTM D-5800
Sulfur Content% wt0.05ASTM D-2622

SN500 Base Oil

AppearanceC & BVisual
ColorMax 2ASTM D-1500
Density @15°Ckg/m3ASTM D-4052
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°Cmm2/S(cSt)ASTM D-445
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°Cmm2/S (cSt)10.75-11.5ASTM D-445
Viscosity IndexMin 87ASTM D-2270
Flash Point°CMin 235ASTM D-92
Pour Point°CMax -3ASTM D-97
Noack @ 250°C% wtMax 5ASTM-D-5800
Sulfur Content% wtASTM D-4951

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